Welcome, New Friends!



This page is for anyone who is new to SGFC.

It is intended to help guide you through any questions you might have as well as prepare you for your first visit.

(Click here to listen to a message entitled “What is a Reformed Evangelical?").

What to expect?

If you visit on a Sunday morning, our service begins at 10:30am in the Sanctuary of SGFC.

We have a worship team which leads us in songs of praise. Our elders take us through a time of Scripture reading and focused prayer. Then our pastor (or one of our elders) will preach a sermon which is usually part of a series of sermons through a book of the Bible (This is known as Expository Preaching, and we believe it is the best way to faithfully teach the whole counsel of God). After the sermon, we have a time to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. We do this every week. We allow for anyone who is a believer in Jesus to participate in this activity. After the Lord’s Supper, we sing a short closing chorus and end with a prayer of blessing.

What to expect?

If you visit on a Sunday morning, our service begins at 10:30am in the Sanctuary of SGFC.

We have a worship team which leads us in songs of praise. Our elders take us through a time of Scripture reading and focused prayer. Then our pastor (or one of our elders) will preach a sermon which is usually part of a series of sermons through a book of the Bible (This is known as Expository Preaching, and we believe it is the best way to faithfully teach the whole counsel of God). After the sermon, we have a time to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. We do this every week. We allow for anyone who is a believer in Jesus to participate in this activity. After the Lord’s Supper, we sing a short closing chorus and end with a prayer of blessing.

Now, if you like, you could also visit for Sunday school. We have a class which is available for all ages provided in our SGFC Learning Center. This is an interactive lesson, where students are encouraged to ask questions and engage with the study.

Additionally, you may choose to visit during a midweek service. We meet together on Wednesday evening at 6:30pm for dedicated prayer, a devotion from the Psalms, and a theology lesson. This group also meets in the SGFC Learning Center.

What about kids?

At SGFC, we practice something called “Family-Integrated” worship.

That means we encourage families to bring their children into the worship service instead of sending them away to a separate children’s program. We are used to hearing the sounds of children in the sanctuary and we love it. It reminds us that the church is not just for adults, but it is for everyone. We do provide a nursery for children up to 3 years old if needed, but it is not required. We love to see kids worshiping alongside their parents in the sanctuary.

What ministries do you offer/support?

At SGFC, our first commitment is to our church members as we believe we are more than a group, we are a family.

We minister to one another through teaching, fellowship, and mutual encouragement. We also have a desire to minister within the community as well. We are actively involved with Set Free, a recovery ministry for men. We also support The Nest, a women’s center which focuses on helping mothers in need. We also provide a free bible school to the community, called Sovereign Grace Academy. Along with these, we have a scouting group for young ladies called American Heritage Girls, a Community Karate Program, and a Home School Group which all meet weekly during the regular school year.

How does a person join the church?

We receive new members who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and have been baptized.

We ask that all new members go through a new member orientation class where we discuss how the church functions and what the church teaches. If you are not yet a believer in Jesus Christ, or do not know what it means to be a Christian, we would encourage you to read this article entitled, “What is the Gospel?” If you are a believer in Christ, but have never been baptized, we would encourage you to talk to our pastor as this is an important early step of faith.

How do we learn more about what you believe and teach?

The first way is to read over our Statement of Faith.

After that, we encourage you to visit our sermon page and listen to a few messages. You can also visit our Youtube page and watch an entire service. Also, our pastor has a daily Podcast which covers a variety of biblical topics.

If you have any further questions, we want to hear from you. Feel free to email a question, call us, or go onto our Facebook page and send us a message. (Email: [email protected] Call: 904-757-1800 Text: 904-945-9207)

We look forward to meeting you soon!

SGFC Outreach, 2021

Contact Us

Please use the included contact form to get in touch with our team. Alternatively, if you'd like to reach Pastor Keith Foskey directly, please use his personal contact form.

Rainbow over SGFC, 2020

At Sovereign Grace Family Church, we are committed to expository preaching and family-integrated worship, emphasizing the centrality of God's sovereignty in all aspects of life.

Join us as we grow together in faith, guided by the Gospel and strengthened by our community.

SGFC is a member of the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals: a unifying network for independent Reformed (and Reforming) baptistic churches to experience mutual edification, fellowship, cooperation and prayerful support in ministries and missions.

Church Address
  • 13773 N. Main St
    Jacksonville FL
  • Sunday 9:30am Sunday School
    Sunday 10:30am Worship
  • (904) 757-1800
 2024 Sovereign Grace Family Church

Church Website Design by Fellowship Studios